Pet Painting Fundraiser… Success! ✅
We’re happy to report that our Paint Your Pet fundraiser was a success in more than one way. We painted our pets! (And “dream” pets…we see you and we love you, orca!) Look how cute they all are. We have some talented painters here! We also raised money to help SDWC fulfill our mission.
We’d like to extend a big thanks to everyone who came out to our Painting & Vino FUNdraiser at Dave & Buster’s in Mission Valley. And we’d really like to pet all those cute dogs and cats! Maybe we should do an SDWC pet outing in the future. Would you join and bring your family critters?
The numbers are still out for how much we raised, but we’ll update this article when we have that info. Regardless of the final dollar amount, we had a blast! It was a great way to get to know one another, blow off some steam, and flex our creative muscles in a non-musical way.
What’s the benefit of singers (and friends) painting? Much like the positive affects singing has on our brains, creating art can improve brain function by affecting our emotions, our nervous system, and our brain wave patterns. Neuroscience and rehabilitation medicine experts agree on this positive reaction. Creating art can also raise our serotonin levels. (Bonus! Experiencing art can have these benefits, too.)
Funds from events like our Paint Your Pet fundraiser help SDWC achieve our mission of encouraging creativity and celebrate diversity, both intangibly and financially. This summer we’ll be attending the GALA Choruses Festival 2024 in Minneapolis, and many of our members are able to join us through the generosity of our friends and fans who participate in our fundraisers and donate to our organization. To learn more about donation opportunities and how you can help send our singers to Festival 2024, visit our donations page.
Our Pet Painting Fundraiser success is thanks to those who follow us and took advantage of this opportunity. If you missed joining us for this fun event and you want to be notified of future events, be sure to subscribe to our email list here.